Who we are

Charity no. 1182061 - Registered 15 Feb 2019

Full details can be found on the charity Commission page [https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/-/charity-details/5125268]


To promote music for the benefit of the public, with a particular but non-exclusive focus on children and young people, by in particular (without limitation) promoting the performance, learning, practice and appreciation of music by the people of the city of Coventry and the general public.


  • Fleur Joanna Sexton Ba, PGCE, Dl (Chair)
  • Dr Geoff Iain Willcocks - Historic Coventry Trust
  • Dr Benoit Granier
  • Mark Patton
  • Sinead Ouillon
  • Mark Steele

If you would like to make a donation you can do so at this Coventry Music Trust Donation Link. [https://protect-eu.mimecast.com/s/Lej0CxGYViDQwYzIvqYsh?domain=pay.sumup.io]
All donations are greatly received and will make a difference to music provision in your city.

What we do

Coventry Music Trust, has been established to improve access and opportunities of the Children and Young people of Coventry. Through fundraising efforts we are looking to support projects such as:

  • Music Groups and Ensembles
  • Instrument Hire
  • Personalised instrumental lessons
  • Open Orchestras
  • Choirs

We will be raising money at our Cultural Cantata events in order to support exciting new projects happening at Coventry Music.

If you would like to donate to the charity to support music in Coventry then get in touch. We would love to hear from you and have your support.

  • £5 would pay for a child to access a music group for one rehearsal
  • £10 would pay for a child to attend 2 group rehearsals, a new ukulele, or a music book for support home learning
  • £20 would pay for instrument hire for a term
  • £50 would pay for a set of music for a music group, access to a music group for a full half term
  • £100 would provide access to a music group for one child for a whole term
  • £350 would pay for a child to have individual lessons for a whole year.


Projects we have helped to fund

We would like to give a big thank you to everyone who has attended our charity events and made generous donations to the trust. Your donations really do make a difference. Coventry Music lessons are very affordable, however for those in need this can still be a barrier to access. Even small donations can make a substantial difference, enabling access to those in challenging circumstances. 

All the money raised will be used to support children across the city play and learn instruments, join our inclusive groups, and support them to perform at events across the year.

So far your donations have enabled us to:
  • Buy 2 full samba sets to be used for whole class teaching and to support holiday and HAF programmes
    Mark Steele playing samba instruments
  • Buy equipment for our open orchestra programme
  • Provide iPads to enable accessible learning at schools across the city 
    child playing the clarion, a accessible instrument
  • Support the Positive Choices Programme
    An after-school music-making program, working in partnership with Coventry Music Hub. The program aims to target students at risk of exclusion from education, at risk of gang violence, child exploitation or just having a difficult time in school.
    Positive Choices Evaluation Report 2023-24 [https://www.coventrymusic.co.uk/downloads/download/32/positive-choices-final-report]

In the future we hope to support:

  • Purchasing of adaptive instruments
  • Bursaries for children in challenging circumstances
  • Access to music groups

If you would like to donate to our charity to help great projects like these please donate here on our Coventry Music Trust Donation Link [https://protect-eu.mimecast.com/s/Lej0CxGYViDQwYzIvqYsh?domain=pay.sumup.io]