Lesson prices

Please find below a list of our prices for 2024/2025. Please note prices are subject to change. 

Hourly Tuition Rate

£41per hour (£6.83 every 10 mins thereafter)

Direct Billing Individual/group lessons


Individual 30 min lesson (33 weeks)

£20.50 per lesson (£56.37 per month *based on 12 monthly payments)

Individual 20 min lesson (33 weeks)

£13.67 per lesson (£37.59 per month *based on 12 monthly payments)

Shared lesson (20 mins 2 pupils/30 mins 3 pupils)

£6.83 per lesson (£18.78 per month *based on 12 monthly payments)

Fortnightly 20/30min lessons (17 wks)

£13.67/£20.50 per lesson (19.36/£29.04 per month *based on 12 monthly payments)

Tuition for Children in Care

FREE (please contact us)

Groups and Extras


Individual Instrument Hire (for none Coventry Music students)

£100 per year

Instrument Hire for Coventry Music students


Beginner/Emerging Music Groups

£30 per term

Intermediate/Developing Music Groups

£40 per term

Advanced Music Groups

£50 per term

Live on Stage Rock Band Project

£80 per term

SoundLab-COV/Creative Sounds/Sparks/Samba groups

FREE (subsidised by partner funding)

Terms and Conditions

  • Fees are capped at the highest attended group cost when attending two or more groups. There is a cap of £80 per family per term
  • Groups are 30 sessions per year (averaging 10 sessions per term. Note some terms may be less than 10 sessions but still charged at the same termly rate)
  • You will be charged the full termly amount, regardless of start date. No refunds will be given for missed sessions or cancellations.
  • Parents signing up for any of our services directly with us will be billed monthly by direct debit, except for groups where you will be asked to pay termly by an online link sent out each term by email)
  • Payment for groups is paid termly via an online payment link. https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/en/service/coventry_Music___Termly_online_payments [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/en/service/coventry_Music___Termly_online_payments].
  • Payment needs to be made before attending a group.
  • Not all instruments can be hire - please check with us if unsure
  • 1 week trial is available for groups, subject to prior agreement.
  • All new customers for music lessons will need to sign and return a direct debit form [https://www.coventrymusichub.co.uk/downloads/file/52/direct-debit-form-download-] before lessons can start.
  • 4 weeks' notice is required for cancellation of lessons and leaving a group. Please contact us if you wish to cancel.
  • please contact us about any discounts or subsidies - proof of eligability will be required.

Sign up for any of our activities [http://ukcoventrymusic.speedadmin.dk/registration#/]

see below for the dates lessons will start and closing dates for sign up each term. You will be eligible for a small discount if you sign up before September.


Date Sign-up Opens

Date Sign-up Closes

Autumn Term

(for lessons to begin between Sep-Oct)

 1st July 2024

31st October 2024

Spring Term

(for lessons to begin between Jan-Apr)

1st November 2024

10th February 2025

Summer Term

(for lessons to begin between Apr-Jul)

20th February 2025

24th May 2025

Have a question? Check out our FAQ page [https://www.coventrymusichub.co.uk/resources/information-faqs-letters-forms/2]

Struggling to pay? We offer discounts and subsidies [https://www.coventrymusichub.co.uk/learn-music/parent-information/3] for people who currently receive benefits and you can apply for a grant [https://www.coventrymusichub.co.uk/learn-music/parent-information/4].


Instrument hire

Instrument hire is free to all current Coventry Music students.

Request to hire an instrument [https://ukcoventrymusic.speedadmin.dk/registration#/instrumenthire]

Do you need to know how to look after the instrument you have loaned? Check out this helpful Instrument Maintenance guides [https://www.musicmark.org.uk/resources/instrument-maintenance-guides/] provided by local Music Hubs 

We also offer hire to other Coventry students who don't study with us or attend our groups. Our current rate of hire is £100 per year per item.

For further information or to see if we have availability of the instrument(s) required please contact us at: music@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:music@coventry.gov.uk?subject=Instrument%20Hire%20Enquiry]

Read our full Hire Terms and Conditions. [https://www.coventrymusichub.co.uk/downloads/download/29/coventry-music-policies]

Discounts and subsidies

Groups and lessons are free for Children in Care – via Coventry Virtual School funding.  

The following terms and conditions will apply:

  • The pupil will receive an individual 20-minute music lesson on an instrument in the school the child attends with a specialist tutor from the Coventry Music Team.
  • As these lessons are subsidised by the Virtual School under pupil premium plus, a member of Coventry Music must deliver and they cannot be delivered with a private tutor.
  • Where appropriate, Children in Care pupils will receive an instrument from Coventry Music to use within their weekly lesson.
  • Those in care of Coventry authority in KS2-3 (years 3-9) and those in 10 and 11 taking GCSE music. In addition, we will honour this provision for the first 12 months after leaving the care of Coventry local authority.
  • Lessons will be delivered across 33 weeks of the academic year.
  • Children in Care will have free access to Coventry Music's evening Music Centre ensembles, choirs and bands held at venue in the city. See link for more information: https://www.coventrymusichub.co.uk/groups-choirs [https://www.coventrymusichub.co.uk/groups-choirs?categoryId=3] 

Learners will be eligible for a subsidy if they claim one of the following*: 

  • Legacy benefits such as: Income – based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance and Child Tax Credit.  
  • Universal Credit 
  • Pupil Premium (eligibility on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with the school) 
  • Free School Meals  

From September 2024*, Learners who require a subsidy for lessons and match our criteria will be eligible for the following: 

  • 50% discount on 20-minute shared lessons (£112.70 pro/rata per annum)  
  • 25% discount for a 20-minute individual lesson (£338.33 pro/rata per annum)  
  • 50% discount on all groups (inclusive of the £40 per term cap) 

Subsidies are not applicable to other lessons or groups; however, applications can be made once per year to the Sir Charles Barrett Fund to cover the cost of other lessons or groups.  

*Disclaimer: discounts are applicable at sign-up and at the start of subsequent terms only. Any change in circumstance that indicates eligibility for a discount must be reported to Coventry Music and will be applied to subsequent lessons or groups.  

Please note

  • Evidence of any benefits claimed will be required upon application.
  • Exact days, dates and times will be agreed by individual tutors and schools where lessons take place. 
  • Any requests outside of these dates will be considered on a case-by-case basis depending on tutor availability. 
  • Exact days, dates and times will be agreed by individual tutors and schools where lessons take place. Any requests outside of these dates will be considered on a case-by-case basis depending on tutor availability.

Awards and funding

Charles Barratt Award

Charles barratt logo

Each year students are invited to apply for funding to support their music lessons. This award can be used for anything in relation to Music Education including Groups, Tuition, Exam fees etc. Please note instrument purchase is not funded by the grant. Find out more about the award in the covering letter and information sheet

We are now asking for all applications to be completed online. Please complete the parent form and send the link to the teacher form [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/service/Coventry_Music___tutor_application_for_music_award]by email (or ask them to visit this website) to complete. All applicants MUST have a completed parent and teacher form to be considered for an award

Applications for 2024-25 are now closed. Decisions will be made in May/June and successful candidates will be informed in June/July.

For more information about the Charles Barratt Awards, including terms and conditions click here. [https://www.coventrymusichub.co.uk/learn-music/charles-barratt-awards]

Young Sounds UK Awards

Young sounds logo




Young Sounds UK support talented young musicians from low-income families throughout the UK, helping them to overcome financial and social barriers in their musical journeys. Offering individual support to young people, our programmes sustain young people's musical progress and help teachers identify and nurture talent wherever they find it.

Find out more on their website [https://www.youngsounds.org.uk/awards/]

Other Awards and Funding

Valentine Alcock Award Funding

Valentine Alcock

Do you know a young person from a disadvantaged background who might benefit from intensive instrumental tuition?

Valentine Alcock was a talented young mixed-race clarinettist and saxophonist from a single-parent household who died tragically in 1974. In his memory, close members of his family established a fund to allow others to follow in his musical footsteps. We aim:

To provide financial support up to 100% of fees to enable young people of limited financial means to learn to play a musical instrument through attendance in practical courses, workshops or master classes especially those involving residential attendance.

In recent years, we have provided funding for the following individuals and courses:

  • Swansea: £240 for two siblings (parents on income support) to attend local authority summer course
  • Mitcham: £250 (of £495 cost) for 17 yr old (single parent family) to attend Hindhead Centre course
  • Wells: £770 for 13 yr old (single parent family) to attend MusicWorks summer course
  • Rye: £250 for 17 yr old (single parent family) to attend local authority youth orchestra winter course
  • Ipswich: £250 (of £540) for 14 yr old (low income family) to attend Purcell School percussion course
  • Wimbledon: £465 for 13 yr old (single parent) to attend National Children’s Brass Band GB course
  • Oldham: £130 for 17 yr old (single parent family) to attend Vacation Chamber Orchestras course

We are a small, family-run charity. Each year we focus our publicity on particular regions.

To find out more about the Valentine Alcock Scholarship or to make an online application, please visit the Valentine Alcock Scholarship website [https://www.tonyohagan.co.uk/Scholarship/#]

Valentine Alcock Scholarship: 26 Limes Avenue, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 7DY 01773 520476 enquiries@valentinealcockscholarship.org.uk [mailto:enquiries@valentinealcockscholarship.org.uk]

Pricing Policy and terms and conditions

Coventry Music Pricing Policy

Here you can find a full list of all our current terms and conditions as well as our pricing policies [https://www.coventrymusichub.co.uk/downloads/download/29/coventry-music-policies]

Rationale and Overview 

It is a core role of Coventry Music to encourage and facilitate group music making in Individual, Shared, Group and Workshop programmes.  

Coventry Music will always strive to minimise, or negate where possible, costs of lesson and group participation, whilst realising the necessity of financial viability. 

Coventry Music learners can expect the following: 


  • 33 Direct Billed Lessons (set up before September of that year or pro rata thereafter).  
  • 30 Direct Billed Lessons for tuition delivered outside of schools.  
  • All safeguarding procedures will be fully implemented by Coventry Music. 
  • All groups will be led by tutors who have the relevant musical skills and abilities to direct and develop the lesson.  
  • Learners can expect a regular delivery of lessons, set up at enrolment. 


  • 30 Performance Group meetings per annum.  
  • All safeguarding procedures will be fully implemented by Coventry Music. 
  • All groups will be led by tutors who have the relevant musical skills and abilities to direct and develop the group. 
  • Learners can expect a regular delivery (usually weekly) of rehearsals. 
  • Learners will be given regular performance opportunities in accordance with the National Plan for Music Education. 
  • Groups will be run in an appropriate rehearsal space and be suitably resourced.  
  • Groups will be charged termly. 
Coventry Music will require learners to comply with the following:  
  • Enrolment on Speed Admin for all lessons and groups.  
  • Completion of Direct Debit form or online payments to ensure payments are made in line with the payment plan. Non-payment may result in referral to the Council’s debt reconciliation team.  
  • Regular attendance at lessons, rehearsals and performances. 
  • Notification to the Coventry Music office or the Group Leader when attendance is not possible. 
  • Four weeks notice if leaving Direct Billed lessons or groups (except students finishing school at 18) in writing to music@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:music@coventry.gov.uk].  Please note there is no refund for remaining weeks of a term when cancelling a group attendance.
  • Use of a suitable instrument or equipment to ensure participation. (Instrument hire available for all easily transportable instruments by Coventry Music free of charge for those attending Coventry Music activities)  



Participants who require instruments, who are not currently music making through Coventry Music, are able to hire one through Coventry Music at a cost of £100 per year.  

Parents/carers will be required to complete loan agreements for any instruments hired on Speed Admin.  

Instruments will be provided by Coventry Music for members who are moved on to a particular instrument by the Director of the ensemble (e.g., a Clarinet player being required to double on Bass Clarinet).  




Group pricing: 

  • Beginner/Emerging Groups - £30 per term (10 sessions) - total of £90 per year (30 sessions) 
  • Intermediate/Developing - £40 per term (10 sessions) - £120 per year (30 sessions)  
  • Advanced/ Groups - £50 per term (10 sessions) - £150 per year (30 sessions)
  • Live-on-Stage Rock Band Project - £80 per term (10 sessions) - £240 per year (30 sessions) 
  • SoundLab-Cov – no charge 
  • Creative Sounds – no charge 
  • Sparks Music group - no charge 
  • School hosted groups – no charge  

Due to new partnerships with Coventry University and our continued work with Media Mania; SoundLab-Cov and Creative Sounds (SEND focused) will be able to remain as free to access groups.    

Payment will be paid termly via an email link. https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/en/service/coventry_Music___Termly_online_payments [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/en/service/coventry_Music___Termly_online_payments]. If you would prefer to pay by monthly direct debit please contact us at music@coventry.gov.uk [mailto:music@coventry.gov.uk]

  • Prices are subject to change.
  • Groups are 30 sessions per year (averaging 10 sessions per term. Note some terms may be less than 10 sessions)
  • Instrument hire is free to all students who take up a service with us, including tuition directly with us or through school, or when joining one of our music groups.
  • Not all instruments can be hired - please check with us for more details.
  • Parents signing up for any of our services directly with us will be billed monthly by direct debit, except for groups where you will be asked to pay termly)
  • There is a cap of the highest priced group attended per term for students who attend two or more groups and a cap of £80 per family per term.
  • Bursaries will be available from Coventry Music Trust for all Musicians who cannot afford fees.
  • Please contact us about any discount or see full details including terms and conditions on our website

Regional groups will be charged separately from Coventry Music ensembles and will have separate remission policies. 


Lesson Type 

Cost (per month over 12 months) 

Cost per year for 33 weeks (in schools) Cost per year for 30 weeks (out of school)

Individual 30 min lesson (33 weeks) 


£676.50 £615

Individual 20 min lesson (33 weeks) 


£451.11 £410.10

Individual 30 min lesson fortnightly (17 weeks) 


£348.50 £307.50

Shared Lesson (20 minutes 2 pupils)  

(30 minutes 3 pupils) 


£225.39 £204.90

*All lessons starting from the October half term will be charged, pro rata at £41 per hour  

Discounts and Subsidies 

Groups and lessons are free for Children in Care – via Coventry Virtual School funding.  

Learners will be eligible for a subsidy if they claim one of the following*: 

  • Legacy benefits such as: Income – based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance and Child Tax Credit.  
  • Universal Credit 
  • Pupil Premium (eligibility on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with the school) 
  • Free School Meals  

From September 2023*, Learners who require a subsidy for lessons and match our criteria will be eligible for the following: 

  • 50% discount on 20-minute shared lessons 
  • 25% discount for a 20-minute individual lesson 
  • 50% discount on all groups 

Subsidies are not applicable to other lessons or groups; however, applications can be made once per year to the Sir Charles Barrett Fund to cover the cost of other lessons or groups.  

*Disclaimer: discounts are applicable at sign-up and at the start of subsequent terms only. Any change in circumstance that indicates eligibility for a discount must be reported to Coventry Music and will be applied to subsequent lessons or groups.  

Please Note: Evidence of any benefits claimed will be required upon application.

Exact days, dates and times will be agreed by individual tutors and schools where lessons take place. 

Any requests outside of these dates will be considered on a case-by-case basis depending on tutor availability. 

Children in Care

Groups and lessons are free for Children in Care - via Coventry Virtual School funding
The following terms and conditions will apply:

  • The pupil will receive an individual 20-minute music lesson on an instrument in the school the child attends with a specialist tutor from the Coventry Music Team.
  • As these lessons are subsidised by the Virtual School under pupil premium plus, a member of Coventry Music must deliver and they cannot be delivered with a private tutor.
  • Where appropriate, Children in Care pupils will receive an instrument from Coventry Music to use within their weekly lesson.
  • Those in care of Coventry authority in KS2-3 (years 3-9) and those in 10 and 11 taking GCSE music. In addition, we will honour this provision for the first 12 months after leaving the care of Coventry local authority.
  • Lessons will be delivered across 33 weeks of the academic year.
  • Children in Care will have free access to Coventry Music's evening Music Centre ensembles, choirs and bands held at venue in the city. See link for more information: https://www.coventrymusichub.co.uk/groups-choirs  [https://www.coventrymusichub.co.uk/groups-choirs?categoryId=3]