
What other people are saying about Coventry Music and how we make a difference to the children of Coventry...

"The quality of staff is fantastic. Coventry Music has really helped us deliver our music curriculum and beyond"
Tom Ray, Cannon Park

"Coventry Music has helped me to establishing a flourishing instrumental programme as a truly collaborative effort. We now have an orchestra and a string group that recently gave their first performance and this is testament to the hard work and dedication of the service's teaching staff"
Daniel Sanford-Casey, Head of performing Arts, Lyng Hall School

"I just wanted to pass on some lovely feedback from our Year 2 staff - The children are absolutely loving their boomwhackers and fife lessons, the teachers have said the children are so engaged and really look forward to it every week - please pass on my thanks to the staff at Coventry Music and let them know they are doing a fantastic job!"
Rachel Rosser, Music Lead, Park Hill Primary School - Whole Class Teaching

"Coventry Music have brought music alive at our school through a range of instruments and highly skilled teaching. A lot of children look forward to their music lesson every week and have told their teachers that it's their favourite lesson of the week!"
Victoria Monnington, All Saints Primary School - Whole Class Teaching

"Our students were encouraged to take a lead role in decision making in terms of content, this made them own their own learning and enabled them to become more independent...this type of bespoke intervention supported our students and built their self-esteem...Having this intervention improved music grades at both Key Stage 3 and 4"
Alison Gallagher, Foxford Secondary School - Positive Choices Project

"I am personally delighted by the high quality provision and opportunities provided by Coventry Music Services and want to make sure both of my schools have the same brilliant opportunities. OFSTED were blown away by the... highly inspirational music lesson. As a musician, I am delighted that music has been specifically mentioned in the report. Music was also a focus subject for the 'dive' of day 2, and the positive response to this is also a celebration."
Nicola Penlington, Headteacher, Keresley Grange Primary School - OFSTED Visit & Coventry Music services

"The music service has provided outstanding provisions for music in our school, promoting music through engaging lessons with professional musicians and organising a plethora of performance opportunities such as Mornings of Music. They have also provided ongoing support with developing and improving the music provision in our school. The training sessions organised and also the readily available advice and support has been exceptional. The music service have enabled our students to connect with other schools through the Junior Arts Council. We have been able to gain lots of ideas about how to further promote music in our school through sharing with others."
Heather Parr, Aldermoor Farm Primary School

"Exciting, engaging with just the right amount of challenge for the children. A great cross curricular activity that the whole class thoroughly enjoyed, regardless of ability. Very inclusive"
Yr3&4 teacher, Coventry Music - Conductive Music Workshop

'It has been an absolute pleasure working alongside the Coventry Music Hub and having their teachers come into Joseph Cash School. The pupils have thoroughly enjoyed learning about music, notation and have loved experiencing new instruments. The lessons have been well planned and suitable for both Key stage 1 and 2. It is clear that the teachers are passionate about music and are so patient with the pupils when they are learning these new skills. More recently, the Coventry Music Hub has shared fantastic home learning resources and have taught live lessons to our keyworker pupils in school. Thank you for all your support with music over the last two years.'
Rachel Burnside, Enrichment Leader, Joseph Cash Primary School

"Coventry Music have made a huge difference to the way that music is taught in school. The children in Key Stage 2 eagerly look forward to their weekly brass lessons and make good progress over the two years that they are taught. The brass teacher ensures that the children are carefully matched to their instruments and all make progress at their own levels. The whole school (staff included) were blown away by the Rock band that are part of the service. The pleasure on the children’s faces was a joy to see; they danced and clapped along and the happy atmosphere around school was palpable for the rest of the day. If you ever wanted to see the power of music you just needed to spend a few minutes in the Hall watching the performance! We look forward to having them back as soon as possible."
Alasdair Black, Headteacher, Moathouse Primary School

"My 10 year old daughter attended the sing event at the transport museum and loved it. Great opportunity really boosted her confidence."
Parent - Sing half term workshop 2019

"Just to say a quick thank you to your team for the way they have adapted and created a plan of delivery for the CELC students. There have been a number of meetings this week including your staff, students and myself. Between us we have put together a very workable plan. I am currently sat in a one to one online session with Joe and one of our KS4 students which is really positive and the level of engagement is amazing...Once again, a big thank you to your team during these very challenging times, it is really appreciated."
James Heaton - Director Of Personalised Learning at Coventry Extended Learning Centre

'Our children have loved working with Coventry Music this year. We have been so impressed with the impact of the lessons (Djembe, trumpet and keyboard), the children's engagement, enjoyment and progress. Several children have been inspired to join Coventry Hub music groups and it has been wonderful to see the pride of all our children sharing music in school. This has been a fantastic way to build musical opportunities and worth every penny of the subscription. If we could afford to do even more, we certainly would!'
Katherine Watson - Deputy Head at Stretton Primary School

"Please can I say a heartfelt thank you so much for the amazing experience that children from Alderman's Green and Courthouse Green had today - they were absolutely wowed and have all been talking about it all day long!"
String Quartet Performance - Sarah Malam

Honestly it was just brilliant. I have had so many messages today saying how much everyone enjoyed it - mesmerised was the word of the day" -
String Quartet Performance - Nicola Penlington - Keresley Grange

"I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU from all the children at Sidney Stringer Primary. We thoroughly enjoyed your performance, it was so lovely how you included all our (very excitable) children in the show. " -
String Quartet Performance, Jennifer Page, Sidney Stringer Academy

"[here are] some memories sheets children completed about their CC experience. Both Vic and I LOVED watching the concert and could see how this experience was creating wonderful memories for our children. The teaching staff attending had a super time too and were very complementary of the organisation of the afternoon. I had not even got home when there were emails in my inbox from parents expressing how much they enjoyed the concert."
Cultural Cantata 2022, Cara Page, Headteacher, All Saints Church of England Primary School

childrens written and illustrated feedback about the cultural cantata children's written and illustrted feedback from cultural cantata 2022 children's written and illustrted feedback from cultural cantata 2022 children's written and illustrted feedback from cultural cantata 2022children's written and illustrted feedback from cultural cantata 2022 children's written and illustrted feedback from cultural cantata 2022 children's written and illustrted feedback from cultural cantata 2022 children's written and illustrted feedback from cultural cantata 2022

Cultural Cantata 2022, Yr 4 children, All Saints Church of England Primary School