Brass resources

Mike Lovatt

Mike lovatt

Here are some great resource from Mike Lovatt who recently starred in an online workshop with us, in partnership with Solihull and Warwickshire Music Service

Mike Lovatt's Easy Jazzy Tudes, Making your first sound on the pTrumpet, with Mike Lovatt. Lesson 1, and lots more great videos on YouTube

and watch him perform Mike Lovatt and Whitburn Band in Virtual Concert or The Sandpiper ( The Shadow of Your Smile )

Visit Mike Lovatt's website.

Trinity College

Discover a range of resources to support brass teaching and learning, and for preparing for an exam using Trinity’s new Brass Syllabus 2019-2022.

Warwick Music

Warwick Music catalogue includes over 1,000 titles covering a variety of genres, styles and abilities and representing composers from across the globe. Warwick Music Publishing is part of Warwick Music Group, the company behind the award-winning range of instruments that include pBone, pTrumpet, pCornet, pBuzz and hyTech. Warwick Music Group believe in the transformational power of music, that everyone should have the opportunity to make music and that by thinking differently we can make the joy of music accessible and fun!